Monday, September 30, 2019

Indian Burying Grond Essay

The Indian Burying Ground In Freneau’s poem The Indian Burying Ground, the reader is presented with the two different views on life after death. One of the perspectives is from the Christian religion. The other is from the perspective of an Indian religion. The Christian religion thinks that just because you are buried lying down that you will be in an eternal sleep. The Indian religion is just the opposite of this. The religion believes that when you die your soul still lives on and you are reunited with all things that have passed on before you. Through many poetic devices, Freneau contrasts the Indian religion view of life after death and his own. The Indian religion, mentioned in the poem The Indian Burying Ground, and the Christian religion are very different in the belief of an afterlife. The following is from the perspective of Freneau. The lines in the first stanza â€Å"The posture that we give the dead, points out the soul’s eternal sleep.† tells that the lying down posture that Christians are buried in suggests that they will be in an eternal sleep. The Indian religion in the poem says that your soul lives on forever after you die. The second stanza talks about when a person dies he is once again seated with his friends and joins them in a feast. The following quotes from the third stanza â€Å"nature of the soul† and â€Å"knows no rest† suggests that when a person dies the soul of that person doesn’t die with him, but just moves on to another form. In the fourth stanza the quotes â€Å"life is spent† and â€Å"not the old ideas gone† suggests that after you have died your ideas and you as a person are not forgotten but remembered forever. There is a place where all the souls gather and sit. In the fifth stanza there is talk of a stranger observing the place where all the souls have come to sit. This person is obviously influenced by the Christian view of life after death. The person is shown that the souls are not all lying down like he has though but all are in the sitting position. An Indian is showing this person around the place where all the souls have gathered, showing him that people live on after life. One of the things the person is showed is a  tree with kids playing in it’s shade. Another thing he is shown is an ancient Indian queen. There are many other things that man sees to make him believe that what he is seeing is real. People in the world are too closed minded and only put things into reason. It is hard for people to actually believe in what the Indian religion says about life after death because it is too complicated for them to believe in such a thing. When a person is showed to the actual gathering of souls and participating in a feast it is hard for him to deny what is actually happening. A person has no choice but to believe in what is actually occurring. Although the Christian view of an after life differs from the Indian view, the many poetic devices in the poem helps the readers understand the two different perspectives even if they are not normal.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Environmental Economics Essay

Agriculture has an instrumental role and close association in preservation and conservation of the environment and economic development. It promotes environment diversity and enhances the creation of artificial habitats. The green biomass that covers many fields forms a basis of aesthetic to the human emotions. Intensified uses of chemical in agricultural production threaten the above benefits that arise from agricultural fields. In the recent past, a growing concern has been raised with regard to the negative impact arising from agricultural related activities and policies. Legalization of substances such as pesticide and fertilizer enhance negative consequences on the environment. They contain toxic elements thus causes pollution of surface water and underground water, drainage of wetlands, air pollutions and loss of diverse life forms and habitats. Settlement scheme in implemented on fragile lands such swamps, disturbances the ecological balance in the area. Environmental issues can be resolve by promoting organic agriculture, establishing relevant institutions, formulation of legislation and policies. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) members agreed that reforms should, to the extent possible, simultaneously enable progress to be made on trade liberation and environment. They also agreed to uphold the need to integrate agricultural development with environmental issues. (OECD 1993, p, 24-50) The focus of this study is therefore to examine the risk of inorganic agriculture against organic agriculture on the environment and thereafter formulate alternative strategies to foster sustainability. Environmental issues are diverse and multi-disciplinary in nature since they cut across all sectors of the economy and cultures. Unsustainable agriculture and increase in populations in the world modifies environmental issues. Population increase exerts high pressure on the economic processes to stretch, in most cases beyond the natural sustainable limit, to accommodate the excess demand (Sandler, Todd. 1997, p, 34-73) In response, the world has embarked on intensified adoption to scientific invention and advancement in technological development to improve production. Organic means of production are therefore considered redundant and barbaric in favor of inorganic agriculture. Unsustainable means of production, consequently, have widened and continue to widen environmental global challenges that threaten to cripple and suffocate the world’s economy. Studies have shown that increased use of chemical, such as pesticides and fertilizers for production in farming activities perpetuates the environmental global challenges. This puts the future livelihood for mankind at a stake and uncertain. It is therefore important to examine environmental challenges attached to intensive use of chemical for agricultural production and thereafter provide an alternative strategy to enhance sustainability. (Dutch Committee, 1994, p, 30-50) Intensified use of chemical for production is largely attributed to agricultural and industrial revolution. Population has also influenced the need to use chemicals to increase food production to meet the ever growing world demand for food. Initially, the above means of agricultural production were common in Europe and Asian continent. Abject poverty in the world has created great desire and demand for technological innovation to increase food production. Globalization and scientific advancement has therefore provided a solution to the world food demand problem. However, the solution comes with a bundle of side effects. Technological and scientific information transfer, particularly, to African countries, where poverty is obsolete and unsustainable (Andersons, L. and Bruce, Yundle, 2001, p, 50-200) Over the last three decades there has been an increasing global use of chemicals for agricultural production. Traditionally, production was based on organic means thus less environmental concerns. Merchandised agriculture has raised the public concern over the nature of the problems that arises from agricultural production. These problems are diverse and wholly attributed to environmental pollution caused by intensified use of pesticide and fertilizers. (Uri, Noel, 1999, p, 23-123) The problems are aggravated by improper management of agricultural chemicals thereby causing serious environmental issues. These pose a great problem to the survival and well-being of humanity, particularly those living in developing world. This is because fertilizers and pesticides are agent of pollution to water bodies, food sources, land, air and vegetation. The development of agriculture production through specialization and intensification of land use in recent decades has given rise to a wide range of environmental effects, both within the agricultural industry itself and increasingly, externally to it. The recognition and understanding of these consequences of modern high technology agriculture developed in the 1970s and during the 1980s progress was made in addressing these impacts. Some problems still remain however and will be of increasing importance. (OCED, p, 177) The use of chemicals for agricultural production therefore will continue to compromise the environmental sustainability. The World Health Organization estimates that about a quarter of the diseases facing mankind today occur due to prolonged exposure to environmental pollution. Most of these environmental related diseases are however, not easily detected and may be acquired during childhood and manifest later in adulthood. The indiscriminate and excessive use of agrochemicals for crop protection represents by far the greatest threat to human health, to the genetic stock of the population and to sustain agriculture and environment. At a United Nations seminar in Nairobi Kenya in 1984, it was reported that almost 370,000 people suffer from pesticide poisoning and about 10,000annually die due to poisoning. Recently, the World Health Organization estimated 500,000 fatalities due to pesticide poisoning in developing world. This WHO’s report further claims that another 400,000 cases of poisoning were due to pesticide handling and usage. (Mervyns, p, 12) From the quotation above, it is clear that the impacts of agrochemical increases with time and magnitude. This kind of trend is unsustainable and therefore threatens the future of humanity. The impact of pesticide and fertilizer on human health is crucial and therefore should never be under-estimated. The traces of these chemical causes inhalation problems. Accumulation of the elements in the body system affects the free circulation of blood in the body. Biodiversity forms a basis upon which the world’s beauty, emotional fulfillment and aesthetic appeal are based. Agriculture spices up the aesthetic-array of the world. It also creates artificial habitats that shelter migratory organisms such as birds, insects and animals. It therefore follows that agricultural production is a gene bank for scientific development. Intensive use of pesticides and fertilizers puts the existence of nature in it natural form at stake. This is because chemicals kill organisms that perpetuate natural fertilization processes thereby hindering the natural form of nature stabilization. Chemical enhances the process of mutation. This leads to evolution of hybridized species of pests which are resistant to natural mean of pest control and at times even resistant to pesticides. Loss of biodiversity as a result of chemical use in agricultural production is therefore eminent. It has been reported that, â€Å"The first sub lethal effect of a pesticide on a bird was probably the eggshell thinning phenomena first described by Ratcliff. DDE, the stable metabolite of DDE is reported to be the cause of eggshell thinning and consequent decline in the breeding success of birds of prey. † (Mervyns, p, 78) Equity is a controversial aspect of resource distribution in the world. The gap between the rich and the poor is quite disheartening. Economic processes and advancement also work towards widening the gap. Commercialization of agriculture with intensive use of chemicals, poses environmental degradation. This consequently deprives the land of its ability to naturally produce food thereby lowering its production yield. The poor depend totally on the environment for their livelihood. Inorganic agriculture is a world’s strategy to check the gap between the poor and the rich. It is widely believe that many people in the world sleep without food for many days. Increased food production, will therefore help to resolve one of the greatest challenges that is threatening to tear the earth a part. However, inorganic farming has failed to bridge the gap between the poor and the rich. The efficiency of using chemicals to increase food production is questionable. Traditional means of production were more manual, labor intensive and time consuming with minimum negative impacts to the environment. Current means of agricultural production are merchandized and more efficient as compared with the traditional methods. However, with regard to the environmental challenges, the efficiency of inorganic production to address the abject poverty in the world is low. Ecology is defined as the domestic site of organism, knowledge and the sum of the relation of the surrounding world. It is a self sustaining environment. Ecology is always sensitive to changes. Introduction of foreign substances such as traces of pesticides and fertilizer modify the ecological characteristic and identity. Nutrients like nitrate and phosphate are normally washed down into water bodies when it rains. This initiates the process of eutrophication. Eutrophication is a process whereby the water experiences enrichment with nutrients of nitrate and phosphate. Consequently water lilies, phytoplasm and algae blooms to experience luxuriant growth. This phenomenon has negative impacts on the functions of the water body. In the first place, Algae bloom forms a green like layer on top of the water thereby hindering penetration of light to the water body. Due to high accumulation of substance in the water, decaying process increases. This causes a biological oxygen demand which leads to suffocation of aquatic lives in the water body. Bad smell arises from the water body as a result of decaying processes. The value of water for domestic use therefore reduces.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Corporate University in China Essay

The concept of corporate university (CU) in China is a recent phenomenon although it existed more than eight decades in the western world. Literature reviews indicate that CU is an independent professional-managed entity proactively providing learning intervention in the workplace. With the ownership of the corporation, CU embedded culture and optimized learning through commitment to strategic intent in order to meet organizational objectives. The concept of â€Å"training† has to be redefined. The major key role of CU is to facilitate both individuals and organization to become â€Å"efficient learner† in order to maintain competitiveness in the ever-changing of business environment. Since the start of economic reform in 1978, the Chinese economy has enjoyed a dramatic growth. In 2002 alone, China attracted over US$52.7 billion in foreign direct investment (FDI), surpassing the US. The drastic economic growth and the fundamental structural change in China as a result of government policies, globalization and technological advances will continue to drive the demand for training and competency development. Both local and foreign-invested corporations seek the CU concept as the strategic solution. There are many reasons for corporations establish CU; however, the primary one is to facilitate corporate objectives and support business strategies. Studies on HRM suggest different models vary across different countries. A direct copy from western model might cause ineffective and inefficient. A comprehensive understanding on the CU meaning, how it operates, and its roles are important. In addition, consideration of local elements is necessary in adopting CU in China. Major Chinese characteristics with current corporate situation and issues should be identified. Evidences support that the Chinese contextual variables and their CU motives impact the strategies and development of CU in China. Adapted from Prince & Beaver’s conceptual CU Wheel model, a priori China CU framework encompassed the unique characteristics of China is formulated in an attempt to describe the key functions that an â€Å"ideal† type of CU in China should perform. Based on the theoretical assumptions, the four core subsystems include learning and teaching process, networks and partnership, accreditation system, and marketing process constitute the main elements of the CU process. They work collaboratively with the common goal of supporting business goals and strategies. The two cultural elements, â€Å"guanxi† and â€Å"mianzi†, work as catalyst or lubricator to enhance the effectiveness and coordination. The priori CU framework brings new insight to the CU development in China. Research is performed to test the relevance of this framework across the three major forms of ownership. To achieve the research objectives, an exploratory and descriptive approach is used. This study adopts a qualitative case-methodology based on the in-depth interviews, previously collected data through questionnaires and documentary analysis. The three study cases include: 1. Taikang Business University (TBU) – a joint-venture enterprise with foreign investment; 2. Motorola University, China (MUC) – a wholly foreign-owned multi-national corporation (MNC); 3. X Academy, a state-owned enterprise (SOE) To delimit the study, each case covers background information, its objectives and roles, core portfolio, and the relevance of the priori framework. Challenges and issues of each case organization are addressed as well. A cross-case analysis of the three case organizations is used to identify the similarities and differences. The diffusion of CU practices varies with the investment form and the foreign equity stake. The study provides evident that both the MNC and joint venture case organizations with foreign investment are more mature in their CU process. The integration and coordination of the four core processes that constitute the priori CU framework are strongly evident. A hybrid model of CU practices is adopted with the convergence of practices from the parent country operation and the divergence of practices for the China context. On the other hand, the CU development of the SOE case is less developed. It can be explained that most of SOEs in China lack western management know-how and resources. Some CU sub-processes or practices of the priori CU framework are either missing or too weak in the SOE case. It has been facing problems at the CU evolution. Misconception on training, lack of support from upper management, lack of CU understanding, unable to demonstrate the CU value, ineffective learning process, and the cultural gap are the major issues and challenges for CUs in China. Improvements have to be made before CU can really take off in organizations in China. Recommendations with reference to the priori CU framework are made. Additional comments on CU strategies are given for local enterprises and the foreign-invested organization. It is evident that some CUs such as Motorola University China (MUC) perform a range of strategic functions in China. Among all, it can be summarized into two major categories: developing people and developing business. Although developing people is the most common motive for the CU establishment, the CU strategic orientation towards market-driven and profit-driven is more evident and justifiable to most Chinese enterprises. The CU strategies and practices are highly influenced by the political, economic and cultural characteristics of China. It would be difficult to apply a single CU model to all CU phenomena. Despite the limitation, the priori CU framework can still be used as a tool to describe the current situation in the CU scene in China. It encompasses the unique characteristics of China CU, capable of providing the direction to the CU operations and practices. This research raises a number of issues upon which subsequent research efforts can be expended as follow: 1. Besides the forms of ownership, other company variables such as the industry types, leadership style, corporation sizes, and corporate culture might affect the CU development and practices. Further, the CU strategies and practices are highly influenced by the political, economic and cultural characteristics of China. To what extent these contextual variables influence the CU adoption in China? 2. The major motive for local enterprises to establish CU is to drive corporate-wide initiative, reinforcing and perpetuating behavior towards internationalization. So how do the local corporations, particularly state-owned enterprise, change their traditional view to more global perspective in order to run a successful CU? 3. Different foreign-invested corporations adopt different local strategy. Some focus on globalizing the China operation whilst others prefer to adopt a complete localization approach. Does the local strategy adopted by the foreign-invested corporation affect the CU strategy and development? 4. The dynamic business environment in China creates a constant change phenomenon in corporate strategies. How does CU support the changing corporate strategies and maintain its agility? How does CU demonstrate its value in China? With a large population, fast and rapid growing economy and constant improvement of its people’s living standard, corporations in China enjoy tremendous market potentials. CU definitely has an important role in China. However, a successful CU requires continuously learning and self-reflective. The evolution of CU involves ongoing values, trust, respect, commitment, integrity and enthusiasm. The priori CU framework, to a certain extent, can be used as a tool to explain the current situation in the CU scene in China. With more understanding on the CU practices and development in China, it will benefit both organization decision makers and educational providers to evaluate their responses to what is clearly a growing phenomenon.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Recommendation for award Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Recommendation for award - Essay Example During this period, I came to know Ms. Jessica Martinez very well. I observed the passion she put in her work and the professionalism with which she coordinated her activities. She normally efficiently managed her time. However, when the workload was too much, Ms. Jessica Martinez would leave later than usual. I have also observed her special attention to details. She always maintained very safe, clean, and organized working environment. Ms. Jessica Martinez is a highly devoted person. I would like to mention that Ms. Jessica Martinez has contributed a lot in starting-up and straightening this school. She has worked closely with the entire school’s committee to enhance the school’s prestige. She has worked hard to develop the school’s educational program and the extra-curricular activities. She is very committed to delivering high quality learning standards. In order to improve the student’s learning abilities and diversify the courses, she has identified unique teaching techniques. Ms. Jessica Martinez succeeds in creating a special connection with her students. They are truly fond of her, because she is very affectionate and protective towards them. She can immediately sense the children’s needs. She is also liked and respected by their parents. I remember once, a parent forgot her purse along with her credit cards, and Ms. Jessica Martinez immediately contacted the parent and returned the purse, under my supervision, following our schools’ internal procedures. In addition, I would like to stress that Ms. Jessica Martinez has a degree in early education. This degree will certainly make her more than qualified to become a

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 3

Proposal - Essay Example It is very important for the treatment of the ischemic stroke that the scope of the damaged made to be defined. Diagnostic requirements for imaging the patients with ischemic stroke changed due to the result of research made by National Institute of Neurological Disorder and Stroke (NINDS). A new treatment for ischemic lesions of the (MCA) middle cerebral artery territory was introduced. It is called Thrombolysis. A metanalysis was published and it summarizes the entire outcome for which Thrombolytic agents were used to treat severe ischemia in three to six hours (Kobayashi et al 2007). The result was significant decrease in patients with negative outcome after the treatment. However there was also higher threat of hemorrhage and death in the first ten days of treatment. At the increase of the time interval between the beginning of the stroke and thrombolytic treatment, the threat of death and hemorrhage also increases. The determining factor of the success of thrombolytic therapy de pends greatly on the earliest detection of the unfortunate event. The study shows that those patients that have been diagnosed as early as three hours from the onset have the greater positive outcome. Thus, the efficiency of the diagnostic imaging is of uttermost importance. It will ascertain the right patients for thrombolytic therapy so that severe complications could be avoided. For this reason the efficient diagnostic imaging should greatly help (a) leave out intracranial bleeding, (b) to determine which brain tissue is irreversibly affected and which is still has the good chance to recover, (c) and recognize stenosis or narrowing of the passage of the major extra and intracranial artery. On time restoration of blood flow to an organ or tissue may help prevent death of cell and reestablish normal function (Tomandl et al 2003). The one aim of the neuroimaging in ischemic stroke is to ascertain the tissue at risk of infaction (Murphy et al 2008). The aim of this

News Log Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

News Log - Essay Example The misconduct occurred in the Metropolitan Police Services, where the information of the Crown’s case was leaked to the News of the world. The investigation by the Metropolitan police revealed that this hacking activity was not restricted to a single reporter, but has a wide network with several people being involved in it, who would be caught soon. Casburn, with an annual salary of  £65000, was working as the Detective Inspector of terrorist activities in the Metropolitan Police Services, defended her act of hacking by saying that she wanted to bring the news in front as her departmental members were not serious about the case (Laville, 2013). Not being a very strong point, her defense was rejected by the jury committee. This conduct of hers has letdown the name of her police department and her colleagues have no soft corner for her. Eleveden and Tuleta, members of the operation panel said that Casburn has misused her position and in no ways deserves anything less than hig h penalty (Laville, 2013). They added that leaking or publicizing confidential information can be justified at some occasions, when the intention is to stop corruption. However, in Casburn’s case the intention was to make money and that cannot be justified in any case (BBC Radio, 2013). Two bomb blasts occurring in the interval of about 10 minutes took the life of more than 92 citizens with over 147 been injured. Early in the morning there was another blast in the marker area of Quetta, Baluchistan which killed 11 people and more than 27 were injured. It was followed by a series of two blasts back to back in the evening, occurring in an interval of just 10 minutes, killing further 87 people and about 120 being injured badly, as reported by the police officers. These blasts took place in the snooker hall at Quetta, where the majority of the gathering were Shia Muslims (BBC , 2013). This was another act of

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Prominent Groups and Individuals in African American Civil Rights Essay

Prominent Groups and Individuals in African American Civil Rights Management - Essay Example The National Association for the Advancement of Coloured Peoples was not organized only in the eve of the Civil Rights movement. It was actually instrumental in the gradual growth of the African American political consciousness since its establishment in February 12, 1909 in New York. Apparently, it is one of the oldest civil rights organisations in the country. It was also one of the most influential. The aim of the NAACP was â€Å"to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate racial hatred and racial discrimination† (Watts 2010: 200). It is clear that the organisation was and is not just focused on the African American people. However, in the 1950s and 1960s, its objective was to arouse national consciousness about the inequalities suffered by the African Americans. In order to achieve this, the NAACP was involved in lobbying activities. Its leaders seized every opportunity to speak in public about the issues co nfronting black Americans. It also did publication work, utilizing the avenues provided by the mainstream media while publishing their own. The NAACP distinguished itself from other groups in the Civil Rights movement for its tendency to use the courts to question the legality of practices that were considered as racist or discriminatory. While the NAACP was more focused then making the public aware of the issue of racial equality and litigation, the Congress of Racial Equality or CORE was one of the first groups that took an active role in consolidating the ranks of civil rights advocates among the ranks of the students. CORE was founded in 1942 by students based in Chicago. The group was greatly influenced by the principles laid out by Mahatma Gandhi and Henry David Thoreau. Its aim was to secure equality for all people throughout the globe (deGregory 2009). At first, CORE was interracial and it does not have a formal organisational structure. However, as it tried to realise its a ims, it expanded to the south, where African Americans were suffering the brunt of racial discrimination. Its working-class black membership swelled and soon CORE’s immediate objective was geared towards the end of the Jim Crow laws and racial segregation and discrimination of the African Americans in general. CORE became a trailblazer in employing militant but non-violent actions to further its cause. It was one of the first groups in the Civil Rights movement to apply coercive non-violent tactics. Among its most prominent actions are the Journey of Reconciliation in 1946 and Freedom Ride in 1961. The Southern Christian Leadership Conference became widely known, especially because it was able to produce leaders like Martin Luther King, Jr. It was founded in 1957 by a group of mostly African American church ministers. The SCLC â€Å"mirrored a basic fact about the leadership in the Southern black movement of the 1950s and 1960s: ministers wielded influence out of all proport ion to their numbers† (Fairclough 2001: 13). The SCLC’s aim was also to eradicate social ills, including racial discrimination which at that time was in the form of Jim Crow laws and racial segregation. The organisation’s immediate objective then was to mobilize the churches for Civil Rights movement. Its methods were mainly in the forms of boycotts and other similar

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

The use of strategic operations management & innovation principles in Essay

The use of strategic operations management & innovation principles in Apple inc - Essay Example Furthermore, what Brown and his colleagues try to emphasise from their definition of operations management is that the activities involved in it are actually different forms of operations that take place in the whole operation of the organisation. For instance, marketing activities deal with understanding not just the company or industry but there is a need to substantially consider the entire market. Such leads further to consideration of the price, products, promotion and place. These are not the concerned of the production department but it is there concern to get information from the marketing department in order to come up with products that the market requires. In the same way, product innovations for instance is not the concern of the accounting department but they only coordinate with the marketing department and production department in order to essentially address the need of the operation to substantially flow effectively and efficiently. As it can be observed, the three d epartments involved different nature of operation from the other but when they are combined together as entire activity; there is a definite outcome or one whole flow of activities which defined the organisation’s whole operation. This has to be managed accordingly and such leads to operations management. However, in today’s time when competition is everywhere and becoming fiercely complex, an organisation needs to actually come up with strategy in order to be competitive enough. Thus, here comes the need for strategic operations management. There is a need to use strategy in order to achieve the ultimate goals an organisation has set to be achieved (Brown, Lamming, Bessant, & Jones, 2005). This paper tries to critically review Apple Incorporated on its operation management. Specifically, the proponent tries to include the following. Critical review of the organisation’s Strategic Operations Management activities from manufacturing, service & administrative pers pectives. Critical assessment of the organisation’s global capability & evidence of competitive advantage in their products & services in terms of design, planning, implementation of operations, etc. Critical review of information & their relative value to enhancing competitive advantage. Strategic Operations Management of Apple Incorporated Let us try to take a look at the strategic operations management of Apple Incorporated from manufacturing perspective. Product quality is so far the most obvious reason why until at present, Apple is renowned for its top-priced products for ipods, laptop computers and other line of products. Apple has concisely presented its financial performance and this is properly justified by different factors which of course include manufacturing considerations (Apple Incorporated, 2011). It has substantially stated that there is a wide range of importance that it has to take into account on product innovation strategy while trying to remain its comp etitive advantage on product quality and uniqueness. Furthermore, it has also identified the need to come up with unique products

Monday, September 23, 2019

The effectiveness of ( Career Development Plan) in an organization Essay - 1

The effectiveness of ( Career Development Plan) in an organization - Essay Example When they are able to do this, they accomplish two things: 1) they add their talent to the organization and help it move forward and 2) they stay with the organization over the long-term. Central to this discussion is that the organization stands to profit from the work of the leaders in their organizations. "They are the ones who will involve themselves in the making of the organization and they will work towards their won goals at the same time. Career development seems to be important to an organization but how important it is will be the topic of this research. Specifically, this research will explore wither the career development plan is an effective training method to use in an organization to affect the performance of the company. A secondary aspect of this research is to define how career development planning can help the organization. For the purpose of this research, a qualitative study will be conducted. The research will use telephone interviews and online questionnaires. The questionnaires will be designed to begin at the awareness level that trainees may have regarding a career development plan. From this information, the researcher wants to understand the level of satisfaction that the trainees have with their organizations career development plan. Also, trainees will be asked for feedback as to their suggestions for improvement of the plan. Trainees will receive online questionnaires. Telephone interviews will be conducted with managers and trainees. These questionnaires will focus on the areas that need improvement following the online questionnaire. The target group for the research is trainees at the company. They are trainees who have come to the company within the last three years. The sample size is 30, which keeps the sample small and allows the researcher to examine the responses in a more manageable way. The researcher is particularly interested in understanding how the trainees feel that are involved in this particular

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Dramatic devices Essay Example for Free

Dramatic devices Essay Arthur Miller wrote The Crucible for his beliefs in McCarthyism, rampant at that time. He was against it being a hunt of the communist figures, no matter how questionable they being communist in the slightest. It was sparked by a fear that Russia was going to take over the world. Making people scared and suspicious, Miller had to be subtle in expressing his anti McCarthyist views, so he used an allegory a play. This play used the Salem witch hunt, similar because of the unsupported accusations, the people encouraged to denounce their friends, and fear and suspicion. The Salem witch hunt was more brutal, with the witches being killed, with only peoples accusations as evidence. Miller had to recontextualize the story, to stop accusations against him. The first words spoken being My Betty be hearty soon?. The title is fitting as a crucible is a container where metals are purified after heating. It reflects how Proctor has been heated by his ordeal and came through to die, his conscience clear purified. I will explore the techniques used in creating the play, to create various moods in the mind of the audience, in Act I. In Act I we find Parriss and Mrs. Putms children Betty and Ruth, inanimate on their beds. People are jumping to the Devil and Parris is putting that off, scared for his name in the village. We find that Abigail and friends had been dancing in the woods. We do get clues that the girls are faking their illness, as Betty wakes up when Parris leaves the room, we find Abigail quickly becomes the leader; an expert is called in Mr. Hale. Abigail takes the chance to talk to John Proctor, who becomes the main character. Tituba. Parriss slave, as usual is blamed for witching the two children in the woods. This cause a lot of the girls to say they saw each other with the Devil. In terms of this plot tension is created within the audience. The secrecy and mistrust creates this. Talking behind peoples backs and the ducking and diving which takes place is the cause. How the plot thickens so quickly would make the audience more uneasy. The dramatic irony with the talking behind each others backs creates tension, and involves them more; they want to see what happens. The techniques used to create meaning for the reader, is the overture and the prose on the characters. The reader trusts the prose and they give information on the characters, they are there because there can be no nuances or subtext in the speech, creating a fast story, the prose slows it down, getting the reader more involved.  An audience wouldnt have these to guide them, it would be up to the actors to read the prose and interpret them in their acting. The play was performed when McCarthyism was at its peak, so it would be blindingly obvious to the American audience what it was about. The allegory would mean the audience would relate to it, creating tension when they think its about 1 thing, then realize its about something else. The time the story is set in is a somber time, spooky because of the black garments and archaic speech, immediately making the audience uneasy, the first words spoken being My Betty be hearty soon? This inverted language makes it seem more Biblical and legal, heightening the impact they have as does the syntax. The older time distances us, making the characters seem austere and quite oppressive. The double-negative furthers the tension by adding confusion, making it more farcical, which further distances us. Claustrophobia, furthers the tension as there is no escape for the characters, they are trapped which makes the audience feel trapped as well. The first thing we find is that Parriss room is small, with narrow windows and leaded panes like a prison this creates claustrophobia. Parris is trapped, making the audience more susceptible to panic. He is also kneeling he is suppressed by God, it bears down on him. Laws and limitations create claustrophobia as well. Not have permitted anyone to read a novel This shows how small minded the laws were, consequently making the people small minded. Not being able to explore themselves and their emotions, making them bland with no escape from reality. Their creed forbade vain enjoyment Shows how religiously they stuck to their beliefs, making their lives bland and boring, and possibly more excitable over the out-of-the-ordinary. The edge of the wilderness was close by The wilderness was the Devils land, they were locked in their town nothing else existed. It stood dark and threatening How they were held in place, scared to go further. They believedthey heldthe candle that would light the world Shows how small minded they were; the Devils land was irrelevant. Parris makes the audience feel angry and frustrated by the fact that he is supposed to be a leader. He is pompous then the Doctor must search on, unpopular and paranoid a faction to drive me from pulpit, unjust Out of my sight!, ambitious do not preach for children, cowardly they will hound me out of Salem, greedy not used to this poverty, hypocritical in defense of Abigail he calls others witches, overly pious send for Reverend Hale, dishonest and vain in covering truth Uncle the rumour of witchcraft is all about. So he is not a particularly pleasant person. If he denies witchcraft in his own home it could seem dishonorable and suspicious so he doesnt. Even so the audience would realize his difficult position, and give him room to breathe. Abigail is a big character, she schemes her way to becoming the leader of the witches Now look you, all of you. She is fearful of her name in the village Not I, sir Tituba and Ruth This gives her a good position, she can scheme to save herself and being manipulative Now if they be questioning us. The audience can relate to her to an extent, everyone can be a leader and scheme; this also makes her the baddie the audience will be interested in knowing what happens to her. Proctor is the character to which we can relate to, the main one. Through Proctor we have a medium in which we can see something and consider ideas. As does Hale, it put us in their shoes. Proctor sees Abigail as a child, strengthening our bond with him. He also sees through Parris, who we find being very greedy with his fire wood money. Also Giles sued him and he paid up although Giles just misheard him Ive paid you for it Proctor is very honest and just wants to get on with his life. The audience will have an affinity with Proctor. Conflicts between characters Abigail and Elizabeth both love Proctor, Proctor and Parris: Parris isnt godly and is a hypocrite etc. these conflicts are like smaller plots in their own way and add to the audiences excitement, also annoying us when they dont resolve, theocracy religion says the you cant, but they want to.  The structure is broken up with the overture and prose which the actors interpret and use the instructions to show it to the audience. This adds an extra dimension to the play, incorporating the prose, with its history and explanations. Intertextualism, the themes that link Salem and McCarthyism, spark questions it is years since the Salem trials but we still havent learnt, human character prevails. The questions dramatic devices that go unanswered, especially at the end with Proctor being hung, should he have been? He doesnt want to go back to the same society that tried to hang him a dramatic device, people are ready to persecute when that is what they are trying to escape irony. The irony, people went to America to escape and be free, supposed to have got better satiring the American Dream. These themes mean more to a 1950s audience, with the exact same one present.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Main Characteristics Of Pentecostalism Theology Religion Essay

The Main Characteristics Of Pentecostalism Theology Religion Essay Since its inception in the first century, Christianity has been evolving as a social institution, changing its organizational shape, redefining its mission, and creating new expressions of worship. Since then there has been a vast change in denominations, where some decline and revival has been witnessed through the years. The year 1906 brought new recoveries into a different type of worship in United States of America (USA). In USA, Los Angeles newspapers reported as gathering of people of different races and cultures describing them to involve the poor and rich, blacks and whites, men and women, young and old in a temple in Azusa Street displaying a new form of worship, praying, singing in unknown languages, dancing and clapping. Audiences gathered to witness what was happening. This was the biggest revival of the time in USA.  [2]  Testimonies, diaries, articles were written by those involved and those who witnessed this great event. This was the beginning of what is called Pentecostalism today, the major driving engine of Christianity to its origins, the first century.  [3]  Although, most scholars have debated whether Pentecostalism had multiple almost simultaneous origins in different countries the same time it originated in North America, there is no doubt that that it is the strongest C hristianity today in the third world.  [4]  This essay aims to examine its origins and its main three chosen characteristics which are spiritual gifts, personal encounter with God and the power over demons and Satan. Definitions Allan Andersons explanation on Pentecostalism is that it is perceived as a movement of believers who affirm to the work of the Holy Spirit and the exercising of the spiritual gifts as evidenced through speaking in tongues with foundation grounded on the emphasis of the acknowledgement of salvation attained through Jesus Christ.  [5]  David Martin and Peter Mullen state that speaking in tongues consists in the utterance of unintelligible sounds, often in rapid sequences, by persons who seem to be in conditions of varying degrees of dissociation.  [6]  Pentecostal is linked with the doctrine of subsequence and initial evidence which originated from USA in the beginning of the twentieth century, referring to the experience of the baptism by the Holy Spirit.  [7]  Therefore, those devoted to this theology are called Pentecostals. However, a change happened during the 1960s, when some Christians within main-line denominations started to accept the Pentecostalism phenomena as part of the worship experience.  [8]  This new form of Pentecostalism became known as the Charismatic Movement. Charismatic describes any form or experience of Christianity that emphasises the charismata which means spiritual gifts (such as tongues, prophecy and discernment) listed in for example 1Corinthians 12, as well as a dynamic experience of being baptised or filled with the Holy Spirit.  [9]  A highly significant proportion of Christians and churches that have emphasis on this dynamic renewing experience and the operation of gifts of the Holy Spirit are called charismatics. The charismatic movements widely penetrated the traditional historical churches from the 1960s, Protestant and Catholic, Church of England (C of E), Methodist, Baptist or URC churches, or the Roman Catholic Church in what has been termed the charismatic r enewal.  [10]  Therefore Renewal describes the expression of this new form of spiritual life within these previously existing historic mainline churches or denominations. The difference between charismatics and Pentecostals is the aspect of the initial evidence like signs and wonders as well as the encountering of power which charismatics deny hence agreeing in the tongues. Whereas, Pentecostal denotes the identity maker of tongues as the evidence of the Holy Spirit baptism whilst the Charismatics denote the Holy Spirit gifts, the teachings of prosperity and spiritual warfare.  [11]   Consequently, the word Pentecostal shifted from just refereeing to a particular group of denominations to any denomination whose worship experience includes some sort of Pentecostal phenomenon such as speaking in tongues. Since the rise of the Charismatic movement, traditional Pentecostals are usually referred to as Classical Pentecostals. The term Classical Pentecostal refers to a person or organization which believes that the baptism in the Holy Spirit is a second work of grace subsequent to conversion, and that the initial physical evidence of this experience is speaking in other tongue that is the languages unknown to the speaker.  [12]   Origins During the centuries from the Early Churchs time about 1500 plus years to the 20th century there were Christians traditions which influenced the formation of Pentecostalism such as the Reformation tradition, specifically the Anabaptist and Arminians, the Holiness and Evangelical Movements.  [13]  The historical survey of the development of Classical Pentecostalism will cover the years from 1738; John Wesleys Aldersgate experience time when he emphasised the Holy Spirit in His teachings.  [14]   The advancement of Pentecostalism can be dated back to a January the 1st 1901, a charismatic revival at Bethel Bible School in Topeka, Kansas USA. As Charles Parham, a former Methodist ministers students had questions about the evidence of baptisms with the Holy Spirit after his Spirit baptism teaching, following the Book of Acts. There was an experience of this baptism following a fervent prayer with students resulting in the experience of speaking in tongues.  [15]  The enthusiasm of the students following Charles Parham teachings brought an amazing Pentecostal experience as of the Apostles in the Book of Acts. Cox stated that Pentecostalism rose among a group of people who were waiting for it.  [16]  Charles Parhams teachings opened the doors to what was later called Pentecostalism. Robert Gromacki called Charles Parham Father of the Pentecostal movement.  [17]   From Parhams bible school, the movement became the worldwide movement following the Azusa Street revival mentioned above. This was through a black African American preacher called William Joseph Seymour who was also a student at Parham School who longed for the Spirit baptism and witnessed the first experience of speaking in tongues. His meeting with Parham had a big impact in William Seymours belief about the Holy Spirit baptism.  [18]  He contributed to the spread of Pentecostalism; he did not just believe but took the message further. Cecil M. Robeck gives the brief background of the journey William Seymour took to promote what is today called Pentecostalism. In his account he mentioned that William Seymour was invited to Los Angeles to be in charge of one ministry. After preaching about the baptism of the Holy Spirit, he was denied the position to pastor that congregation. He ended up living with black friends Edward and Mattie Lee who sympathised with him where he conducted prayer meetings in their house. This was the beginning of the great movement as they started to pray together and later invited other people to join them. The number increased and they moved to a bigger house. It was in the house of Richard at Ruth Asberry on the 9th of April 1906 as they were studying the bible that they experienced the power of the Holy Spirit. In this meeting, an eight-year-old black boy began to speak in tongues and soon crowds were attracted to the house. After this experience the house could not accommodate the growing large numbers of people who were coming to join in prayers and worship. They had to move to Azusa Street, were the greatest revival took place. Then Azusa Street became the house for the world Pentecostal movement.  [19]  Therefore the Azusa story is exceptional when the roots of Pentecostalism are discussed. Cecil M. Robeck labelled the Azusa Street Revival in Los Angeles à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ the birth place of Pentecostal movement.  [20]  Harvey Cox acknowledging the root of Pentecostalisms origin to be understood with reference William Joseph Seymour.  [21]   From Azusa Street, Pentecostalism spread to the other parts of the world by members who experienced the Pentecostal revival and formed Pentecostal Churches.  [22]  Congregations spread around USA extending to Africa through missionaries that went preach this Pentecostal experience to other parts of the world By early 1907 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ entered Mexico, Canada, Western Europe, the Middle East, West Africa and several countries in Asia, spreading to Northern Russia, Southern Africa and Eastern and Central Europe. The Apostolic Faith Mission was the first Movement that Mr Seymour established consisting of different denominations with one agenda of Faith.  [23]  In 1914 was the first official statement of the Classical Pentecostal doctrine of the baptism in the Holy Spirit by the Assemblies of God in the United States. They are hundreds of Pentecostal denominations and fast growing over the last forty years, David Martin, sociologist who has done a lot of work on the estimates of Pentecostalism has reported it to be the largest global shift in the religious marketplace. He quoted a total number of Pentecostals and charismatics worldwide to at least a least a quarter of a billion by 2002.  [24]  This has expanded to the West reaching other countries such as India, China and Chile.  [25]   They are here main groups of Pentecostalism identified with their unique beliefs though some aspects might be similar. One of the group is identify by their belief in the work of the Holy Spirit, speaking, in tongues, baptism with the Holy Spirit, the works of grace, salvation and sanctification as continuous in their lives; the other group beliefs entire sanctification over and above some aspects of the above group, called then Wesleyan Holiness; last but not least excludes themselves in the belief of the Trinity aspect of God, called oneness Pentecostals.  [26]   Main characteristics Spiritual gifts The birth of the Pentecostal movement in the early twentieth century was evidenced by followers of Christ exhibiting the gifts of the Holy Spirit often referred to as the supernatural gifts. It got its roots from the Early Church with ecstatic phenomena gifts of the Holy Spirit.  [27]   The experiencing of the Holy Spirit baptism resulting in speaking in tongues in Topeka, Kansas sprang up the twentieth century Pentecostal Movement in 1901. Dayton asserts that the eighteen century American revivalism, Holiness Movement played a part in its origins.  [28]  Charles Parham believed there was more on the entire sanctifications, the teachings of the Wesleyans, in his views. Therefore he bestowed sanctification and charismatic power as both part of the second blessing. His views were more extreme than many in the Holiness Movement. The teachings on investigations for signs of sanctification led to questions if this was related to the baptism of the Holy Spirit. As the students were determined for the outward evidence signs of the baptism, speaking in tongues was the first sign of the spiritual gifts To have a good understanding of what is meant by spiritual gifts, I would consider two definitions which defines spiritual gifts as à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦divinely given capacities to perform useful functions for God  [29]  Similarly Deffinbaugh defines spiritual gifts as the God-given capacity of every Christian to carry out his function in the body of Christ.  [30]  The se definitions adequately purvey the Pentecostalism understanding of Spiritual gifts. These spiritual gifts are believed to have originated at Pentecost as explained in the Book of Acts. Over the period of three years after the Azusa Street revival which sparkled the Pentecostal Movement, Seymour saw the restoration not just of speaking in tongues but all gifts of the Holy Spirit.  [31]  These are spiritual gifts listed in 1 Corinthians 12:7-11. These gifts can be; speaking in tongues, interpreting tongues, prophesying and healing power.  [32]  According to Luke; When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. Divided tongues, as of fire, appeared among them, and a tongue rested on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages, as the Spirit gave them ability (Acts 2: 1-4 NRSV). This was a physical evidence of being baptised by the Holy Spirit as they converted and believed in Jesus Christ. Kenneth Boa describes the gift of tongues as the supernatural ability of a believer to speak in an unlearned language by the speaker enabled by the Lord.  [33]  This can be interpreted by someone who receives the gift of interpretation of tongues. This is interpretation into the language of the body in which the message is delivered not a strict translation, but an interpretation of the essential content of the tongues message.  [34]  Critiques of tongues Thomas Aquinas believed to have been of the Apostles only in the early church to enable them to reach all nations as commissioned but presently it as to be done through language study.  [35]  There are also those with the gift of healing gifted to heal the sick. The variety of the gifts can be divided into different sickness, for example some specific gifts are to heal cancer or emotions, mental illness and many more sicknesses.  [36]   Personal encounter with God Access to God matters most to Pentecostals, life controlled by the Holy Spirit. They stress effectiveness the experience of God. What matters most is the felt power of the Spirit in the world, in the church, and in ones own life. Their faith is experiential, living faith in the living God who can miraculously, substantially intervene in the world.  [37]  For Pentecostals, from history they understood the as direct and immediate and self-authenticating.  [38]  This is explained in simple terms that Pentecostals understanding of the baptism of the spirit grants the authority by virtue of the individual experience of this powerful encounter with God. Therefore, their belief is that though the Holy Spirit they have a personal encounter the authentic and legitimate experience of God. Power over demons and Satan Pentecostals stress the empowerment and the felt power of the Holy Spirit in the world. Their focus and faith is in God who miraculously substantially intervenes in the world. For example, Martin discusses how Pentecostalism unites its belief with the social inspiration and the experience of the Spirit.  [39]  That is the understanding of the power of the Holy Spirit over any social powers that could be powers of darkness. In short, it is a consideration of two different factors, external (demonic forces) and internal factors (Holy Spirit). These make Pentecostals feel part of the community, as they distinguishes the God and Satan, devil and divine, sickness and health. They believe they have power over demons, through the Holy Spirit, that they can obtain through prayer. That is power over sin, spiritual blindness, social oppression, and Sickness. They refer this as their spiritual weapons. One of the most factors which contributed to the Growth of Pentecostalism is their belief in deliverance from evil spirits. Anderson, for example, points out that the main attraction of Pentecostalism à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ is still the emphasis on healing and deliverance from evil.  [40]   Their Theology extends to the apocalyptic belief of the coming of the Kingdom which includes the element of the final victory over Satan and death, which is a spiritual warfare.  [41]  The term spiritual warfare is referred to evil spiritual forces such as demons including Satan as mythological realities. Thus, the baptism of the Spirit enables the believers to conquer the spiritual battle and overcome the enemy. As Apostle Paul states, we live as human beings, but we do not wage war according to human standards; for the weapons of our warfare are not merely human, but they have divine power to destroy strongholdsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ (2 Corinthians 10: 3-4 NRSV). This is the belief that the Pentecostals have dependence on the Holy Spirit for power to enable them to fight the devil and any principalities of darkness. That is demonic attacks and possessions, physical and emotional sickness, evil spirits and so on. These claims are biblically based as Pentecostal believes in the true Word of God. Martin and Mullen clarified that for Pentecostal the supreme authority is the Bible, the inspired, infallible and inerrant Word of God to which all else must be subject.  [42]  Just to mention few examples of bible passages to support these claim of their belief; 1 John 3:8 which states that the Son of God was revealed for this purpose, to destroy the works of the devil (NRSV), He has rescued us from the power of darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of his beloved Son (Colossians 1:13 NRSV) and Jesus  summoned his twelve disciples and gave them authority over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to cure every disease and every sickness (Matthew 10:1 NRSV) and many more. Therefore Pentecostals take the word of God seriously and base their belief on what it says. Conclusion In conclusion, the essay has examined the origins of Pentecostalism. It has looked at its roots from early church, through the Holiness movements with the teachings of doctrine of sanctification. The teaching about the Holy Spirit and the actual experiencing of its baptism contributed to how Pentecostalism spread to other places. It has also touched on the explanation of charismatic its difference with Pentecostalism. Last but not least, three characteristics of Pentecostalism have been discussed though this is not the exhaustive least, however due to the limitation of the essay, only three were discussed. We have discovered with reaches that Pentecostalism is a growing movement. It has contributed to the inclining of Christianity as it was declining in many parts of the world. Their emphasis being the baptism by the Holy Spirit and spiritual gifts that can be received to believers by Gods will.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Deconstructivist Architecture Controversy

Deconstructivist Architecture Controversy Opinions about Deconstructivist Architecture are controversial and often contradictory- some critics consider it as a purely formal exercise with little social significance and ambiguous meaning whereas others see it as a way of locating the inherent dilemmas within buildings (and promoting) a serious and necessary criticism of unbridled consumer culture and media-driven hyper reality. In view of the debate surrounding the nature of Deconstructivist Architecture, discuss the ideas and philosophy related to it and argue in favour or against one of the opinions expressed above. Use examples as appropriate. INTRODUCTION: Deconstructivist architecture is a type of architecture developed in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Unlike any other type of architectural type, it escapes the conventional architectural pattern, breaking in that way all the rules of constructive theory. The leader of this movement was the French Philosopher Jacques Derrida, who as we shall see later, with his ideas and philosophy has much influenced other architects into accepting and applying this unpredictable type of architecture. In this course of paper, we will make a discussion on the concept of deconstructive architecture analysing at the same time its elements and background basic idea. Moreover, a historical development will be made on deconstructivism showing what are the origins of the movement. The philosophy will also be discussed behind this type of architecture and all will appear simultaneously with examples of buildings illustrating the concept of deconstructivist architecture. In addition to the above, some criticism will be made on the subject showing that the debate surrounding the nature of this form of architecture is both controversial and contradictory. Examples and commentary will be given by architects that have given their personal opinion on the subject throughout the years. MAIN PART: As already mentioned above, deconstructivist architecture is a style of architecture that contradicts the conventional methods of architecture. While an architect would dream of pure form, by using geometric shapes as cylinders, spheres, cones etc. avoiding instability and disorder, deconstructivist architecture supports the exact opposite. This type of architecture marks a different sensibility, one in which this stability and uniformity is disturbed. And it is exactly this ability to disturb our thinking that makes these projects deconstructive. The history and development: Deconstructivist architecture has initially had two main facets-modernism and postmodernism. While those two schools have ruled almost all of the forms of architectural styles, deconstructivist architecture opposed to their rationality. The journal Oppositions (published 1973-84) in which postmodernist architects and deconstructivist architects published their theories alongside each other, has been the decisive separation between the two movements. While postmodernism followed the historical references of modernism, deconstructivism has gone the other way- rejecting its acceptance and idea of ornament as an after-thought or decoration. Deconstructivism has also been influenced by the Russian Constructivism and Futurist movements of the early 20th century. Both tendencies were concerned with the radical simplicity of geometric forms, all expressed in graphics, sculpture and architecture. However, Constructivism has followed the ornamentation of building, whereas Deconstructivism refuted it. Maybe that is why this style of architecture is called deconstructivist; because while it draws from Constructivism, it radically deviates from it. Some Russian artists from which Deconstructivism has been inspired, include Naum Gabo, Kazimir Malevich and Alexander Rodchenko. The ideas and philosophy: Deconstructivist architecture is characterised by ideas of fragmentation, and manipulation of a structures surface or skin. It refers mainly to the architectural language being displaced and distorted with forms that are often set within conflicting geometries. Usually the building would be designed in parts or pieces in a weird manner with no attention or logic to be given to architecture norms. It would reflect pieces joined together to form unrelated abstract forms. Generally, the finished visual of the projects that illustrates the deconstructive styles, is characterized by a stimulating unpredictability and a controlled chaos. The whole philosophy of deconstructivist architecture was created by Jaques Derridas ideas influencing many later architects. Peter Eisenman and Derrida himself were concerned with the metaphysics of presence and this can be said to be the main subject of deconstructivist architecture philosophy in architecture theory. One of the most important events in the history of Deconstructivism includes the collaboration between the two Eisenman and Derrida on the project of the Parc de la Villette competition, 1.Parc de la Villette, Paris, 1982-1998Â  documented in Chora I Works; and the selected final project by Bernard Tschumi. Other seminal events include the 1988 Museum of Modern Art Deconstructivist architecture exhibition, organised by Philip Johnson and Mark Wigley in New York, which crystalized the movement, and brought fame and recognition to its practitioners. 2.Frank Gehrys own Santa Monica residence, 1978 The idea is that architecture is a language capable of communicating meaning and of receiving treatments by methods of linguistic philosophy. The philosophy examines the nature of reality and the relationship between the matter and the mind. The individual is seen as a composite of linguistic and social sources and can therefore be constructed. The dialectic of absence or presence is a part of the elements to be found and as Derrida notes, is to be found both in construction and deconstruction. According to him, any architectural deconstruction requires for a strongly-established conventional expectation to play flexibly against. Just as a building can be constructed by using the conventional rules of architectures, so a functional building can be built by using non-conventional methods of deconstruction. One example of Deconstructivist Architecture is the design of Frank Gehrys own Santa Monica residence. Beginning with an ordinary house in an ordinary neighbourhood, he changed its massing, spatial envelopes, planes and other expectations in a playful subversion. 3.Vitra Design Museum in Weil-am-Rhein, 1989 There have been many other examples of buildings illustrating the type of deconstructivist architecture over the years. Some of these would include the Turning Tosco in Malmo and the Vitra Design Museum in Weil-am-Rhein by Frank Gehry. Furthermore, the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao in Spain and the Mits Stata Centre are some of the many buildings that were influenced and made from the deconstructivist architecture style. It appears from the examples and analysis above, that deconstructivist architecture has established a different mode and type of architecture. This has been criticised both with good and bad commentary. The opinions around this matter are controversial and contradictory. Controversial and contradictory opinions: Some critics evaluate this type of architecture as a purely formal exercise with little social significance with ambiguous meaning. Certain architects such as Charles Jencks the famous American theorist, architect and designer, claim Deconstructivism as a new paradigm, whereas others questioned the wisdom behind this type of architecture and the impact it might have on future generations of architects and the built environment. It has been described as fundamentally destructive, because of its rejection of all architectural rules, and its lack to provide clear values as replacements of those. 4.Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, Spain, 1997 Moreover, Deconstructivist Architecture has been seen as an intentional aggression on human senses, using certain mechanisms in order to express discomfort and anxiety. More specifically, Nikos Salingaros, calls the Derrida philosophy a virus, that invades the design thinking in order to construct destroyed forms. He further claims that it is an attack on logic, which does not produce logical statements. According to his views, what deconstructivist architecture itself is; meaning the dismantling of structures, traditional beliefs, logical statements and observations, it can easily resemble to the way in which a virus survives and proliferates. This occurs especially where deconstructivists insist on arguing that they are merely analysing and commenting on text. In infecting contemporary architecture, this virus attacks a forms internal organisation and coherence, leaving forms embodying disorganized complexity. One example of a building with which he condemns the philosophy and idea of deconstructivist architecture is the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, Spain by Frank Gehry. In his opinion, this vanguard style represents an unnatural imposition of free-flowing ribbon forms sheathed in a continuous, shiny metal skin. It also eliminates all components that would otherwise lead to coherence. In general, architecture is everything Derrida rejects: beauty, consistency, coherence, functionality etc. in reality, deconstructivist Architecture rejects the reason for which architecture itself exist; for the expression of human needs. And therefore, an architecture that creates disorder, as in the case of Constructivist Architecture; is no longer architecture. In addition to the above, Kenneth Frampton, describes deconstructivist architecture as elitist and detached. In his view this is justified by the self-alienation of an avant-garde without due cause. While Constructivism intended a synthesis, with the creation of a new architecture, Deconstructivist Architectures anti-thesis, derives from the acceptance that global modernisation is pushing those norms beyond the barriers. The two aspects of critical theory are found in deconstructivist architecture; that is analysis and urgency. A building that illustrates this is the Wexner Center for the Arts, by Peter Eisenman. There is the tendency in Deconstructivism to set aesthetic issues in the foreground as of much importance. Huge buildings with extravagant materials and impressive colours would be just some of the characteristics. One building showing the Guggenheim Museum mentioned above. However, if that is made only for elite, and since such buildings are quite expensive to be built, it may increase the level of complexity while it will only attempt to reconcile modern architecture with local differences. 5.Wexner Center, Ohio State University, Columbus, , 1989 Moreover, there are those that argue that architecture is not a language capable of communicating. However, there are those who believe that deconstructivist architecture is innovative and still has things to offer to architecture. It is however often misled. There is the presumption that such an architecture style is a demolition or a dissimulation. Maybe that happens because people often relate the taking apart of a structure to be deconstruction right away. However things are not like that. Deconstructive architecture on the contrary, gains all its force by challenging the values of stability, harmony and unity, and unlike other forms of architecture, proposing for a different view of structure; a structure in which flaws are intrinsic. Such flaws cannot be removed without firstly being destroyed, and therefore they are structural. For this reason, the deconstructivist architect simply locates the inherent dilemmas within buildings and promotes a serious and necessary criticism of unbridled consumer culture and media-driven hyper reality. He is not a person that destroys or dis mantles buildings; what he actually does is to examine deeply the pure forms of the architectural tradition and examine the consequences and reactions where such forms are repressed. In taking those results, he creates something new yet structural. For this reason deconstructivist architecture may not appear as bad as it is made. It is not always bad to try and experience and create something new by altering certain things in a building; this does not necessarily mean that a building cannot be structural or functional. This fragmentation and discontinuity for example of Frank Gehry could Moreover, Deconstruction can be seen as a laughing matter. It is always ironic, playful, humorous and irrelevant about itself, a betrayal of the non-faith. This liberating dissection is what makes it so different from the existing constructions and orthodoxies. As Nietzsche puts it in the canonic Deconstructionist text, Thus Spake Zarathustra: He who must be a creator in good and evil- verily, he must first be a destroyer, and break values into pieces. It can be seen as an essential part of the comic tradition where for a long period now unfinished buildings or rough materials are used. Furthermore, Derrida in his interview, states that the impression deconstruction was given to the public by the media as an association with the end of philosophy is misleading. The media has given the idea that deconstruction is destructive towards texts and traditions, as well as to philosophical heritage. He comments on this idea given, arguing that to create an institution, it must to some extent break with the past while at the same time inaugurating something completely new. Deconstructivist architecture does not mean that we are reproducing but also try something that hasnt been done before. For this reason it has been criticised as violent, as it has no guarantee by previous rules. While it follows the premises of the past it creates something completely new, and this is risky. However, there is no need for absolute guarantee; we ourselves should invent the rules. In his opinion, that is what destruction is made for: not the mixture but the tension between memory, fidelity, t he preservation of something that has been given to us, and, at the same time, heterogeneity, something new, and a break. In general, Deconstructivist Architecture, attacks conventions with its codified unconventionality. One strong example could be the cubiculum of a Roman House in Boscoreale, now found in the Metropolitan Museum in New York. However, it can have further social significance than the one already stated to have. It is a matter of fact that even if unconventional, it can be useful and helpful in tracing defects of the already established norms of architecture. Moreover, as Derridas philosophy states, it is a method through which thinking can be communicated. Through the complicated and unconventional structure of the buildings, spaces need not always be the same, but also express the different emotions and feelings people have. CONCLUSION: Those who truly value Deconstructivist Architecture, it is for that creativity and inventive freshness that they create new rules in architecture. One the other hand, those who doubt this approach, are those who are always sure of the negative results and the anti-social nature of the activity. It could also just be a matter of self-denial. After all, deconstructivist architecture may appear odd to some people due to its unconventional and out-of-barriers technique and looks, but it has managed to find its own place in the world of architecture. It has also proven that it still retains social significance and recognition amongst the public. This can be illustrated by the demand of consumers to more and more ask for modern and different impressive buildings. It can also be seen by the famous buildings made by well-known architectures. However, this could not be made without the bad or good criticism. Even though, the buildings still manage to impress and attract, as except of being functional and structurally stable, they are also unique.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Julius Caesar - Mark Antony Essay -- essays research papers

Mark Antony, in the play The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, was a brave, intelligent, pleasure-loving, and cunning man. He was loyal to his friend, Caesar, whom he considered a true friend. He looked at life as a game in which he had a signified part to play, and played that part with excellent refinement and skill. Antony was devoted and preferred to be dependent upon Julius Caesar since he rather have enjoyed life than to claim the highest position in the government. He wanted the crown to be given to Caesar so that all conflicts could be avoided. However, this additional power contributed to the conspirator's motive to assassinate him. Antony was distraught with Caesar's death and sought revenge first by speaking to the crowd in his speech. He showed how clever and cunning he could be when he convinced the crowd at Caesar's funeral ceremony to side with him and not with the murderers. The people became excited and rowdy when he teased them about the will, waving it in the air and pretending as if he was not going to read it. Reverse psychology is used when he first pretends to respect the conspirators calling them honorable men, and then slowly proving that they are not. He speaks out against them because he wanted power for himself, and unlike Brutus, he is politically ambitious and so belie ves that if he can take control while the state is in turmoil, he will remain in power. He was alone in making this oration, yet he was confidant in himself and courageous. Rome began...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Is Development Methodologies In Financial :: essays research papers

Introduction & Overview of the Company Marks and Spencers is a large UK based retailer with 683 branches in 2 continents. Following the deregulation of the UK financial sector in the mid eighties the company decided to use its experience, capital, and brand power to branch into the lucrative financial services industry offering personal loans, life insurance & pensions, and savings & investments services such as Unit Trusts and ISAs through the company Marks and Spencers Financial Services. Financial Services is now one of the fastest expanding areas of Marks & Spencers, MSFS employs more than 1,400 staff at its purpose built headquarters in Chester, and has dedicated financial services areas in 70 M&S stores across the country. The Information Systems department has 50 employees who come from analysis, design, & programming backgrounds, much of which has been gained with Marks & Spencers plc. The majority of these employees are based in the Chester head office, and systems are developed ‘in-house’. IS project s under development include the introduction of Individual Savings Accounts, with other likely future projects including telephone banking, credit cards, and auto/property insurance. The fact that MSFS has entered the Financial Services Sector comparatively recently and with a established IS knowledge base from the parent company has meant that existing information systems have been well developed in terms of technology and are compliant with the latest industry regulations. Therefore there is little or no need for redevelopment of existing systems in the short to medium term, and the ISD focus is almost exclusively on new market areas requiring Information Systems that can be started from scratch. The main exceptions to this are the possibility of introducing data warehousing to tap the potential of both MSFS’ and the parent company’s client database to better target MSFS customers, and the need to adapt existing systems for the introduction of the Euro, projects which will involve redesign of existing data stores and software. The company has grown very quickly, and IS projects have consequently grown considerably as can be seen by the size of the IT department. While there are still small to medium sized projects, some that are currently being considered will be on quite a large scale with several senior analysts working on each project. These projects are anticipated to require an IT department expansion of 50% over the next two years. Although MSFS’ IS projects share certain common characteristics in terms of their requirements, such as the need for a common ISD structure across projects, they vary considerably in size and strategic importance, with future developments looking likely expand those differences.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Time Series Models

TIME SERIES MODELS Time series analysis provides tools for selecting a model that can be used to forecast of future events. Time series models are based on the assumption that all information needed to generate a forecast is contained in the time series of data. The forecaster looks for patterns in the data and tries to obtain a forecast by projecting that pattern into the future. A forecasting method is a (numerical) procedure for generating a forecast. When such methods are not based upon an underlying statistical model, they are termed heuristic.A statistical (forecasting) model is a statistical description of the data generating process from which a forecasting method may be derived. Forecasts are made by using a forecast function that is derived from the model. WHAT IS A TIME SERIES? A time series is a sequence of observations over time. A  time series  is a sequence of  data points, measured typically at successive time instants spaced at uniform time intervals. A time se ries is a sequence of observations of a random variable. Hence, it is a stochastic process.Examples include the monthly demand for a product, the annual freshman enrollment in a department of a university, and the daily volume of flows in a river. Forecasting time series data is important component of operations research because these data often provide the foundation for decision models. An inventory model requires estimates of future demands, a course scheduling and staffing model for a university requires estimates of future student inflow, and a model for providing warnings to the population in a river basin requires estimates of river flows for the immediate future. * TWO MAIN GOALS:There are two main goals of time series analysis: (a) identifying the nature of the phenomenon represented by the sequence of observations, and (b) forecasting (predicting future values of the time series variable). Both of these goals require that the pattern of observed time series data is identif ied and more or less formally described. Once the pattern is established, we can interpret and integrate it with other data (e. g. , seasonal commodity prices). Regardless of the depth of our understanding and the validity of our interpretation (theory) of the phenomenon, we can extrapolate the identified pattern to predict future events.Several methods are described in this chapter, along with their strengths and weaknesses. Although most are simple in concept, the computations required to estimate parameters and perform the analysis are tedious enough that computer implementation is essential. The easiest way to identify patterns is to plot the data and examine the resulting graphs. If we did that, what could we observe? There are four basic patters, which are shown in Figure 1. Any of these patterns, or a combination of them, can be present in a time series of data: 1. Level or horizontalThis pattern exists when data values fluctuate around a constant mean. This is the simplest p attern and easiest to predict. A  horizontal  pattern is observed when the values of the time series fluctuate around a constant mean. Such time series is also called  stationery. In Retail data, stationery time series can be found easily since there are products which sales roughly the same amount of items every period. In the stock market however, it's difficult (if not impossible) to find horizontal patterns. Most of the time series there are non-stationery.Time series with horizontal patterns are very easy to forecast. 2. Trend When data exhibit an increasing or decreasing pattern over time, we say that they exhibit a trend. The trend can be upward or upward. The  trend  pattern is straightforward. It consists of a long-term increase or decrease of the values of the time series. Trend patterns are easy to forecast and are very profitable when found by stock traders. 3. Seasonality Any pattern that regularly repeats itself and is of a constant length is a seasonal patte rn is.Such seasonality exists when the variable ewe are trying to forecast is influenced by seasonal factors such as the quarter or month of the year or day of the week. A time series with  seasonal  patterns are more difficult to forecast but not too difficult. The values of these time series are influenced by seasonal factors, such as the turkey in Christmas period. Also, ice cream sales are affected by seasonality. People buy more ice creams during the summer. Forecasting algorithms which can deal with the seasonality can be used for forecasting such time series. Holt-Winters' method is one such algorithm. 4.Cycles Cyclical  patterns are usually confused with the seasonal patterns. While seasonal patterns are influenced by seasonal factors, cyclical patterns do not necessarily have a fixed period. A seasonal pattern can be cyclical, but a cyclical is not necessarily seasonal. Cyclical patterns are the most difficult to forecast. Most forecasting tools can deal with seasonal ity, trend and horizontal time series but very few can offer acceptable forecasts to cyclical patterns unless there is some sort of indication as to how the cycle evolves. Random Variation is unexplained variation that cannot be predicted.The more random variation a data set has, the harder it is to forecast accurately. In practice, forecasts derived by these methods are likely to be modified by the analyst upon considering information not available from the historical data. We should understand that to obtain a good forecast the forecasting model should be matched to the patterns in the available data. TIME SERIES METHODS The Naive Method Among the time-series models, the simplest is the naive forecast. A naive forecast simply uses the actual demand for the past period as the forecasted demand for the next period.This, of course, makes the assumption that the past will repeat. An example of naive forecasting is presented in Table 1. Table 1 Naive Forecasting Period| Actual Demand ( 000's)| Forecast (000's)| January| 45| | February| 60| 45| March| 72| 60| April| 58| 72| May| 40| 58| June| | 40| This model is only good for a level data pattern. One of the advantages of this model is that only two historical pieces of information need to be carried: the mean itself and the number of observations on which the mean was based. Averaging Method Another simple technique is the use of averaging.To make a forecast using averaging, one simply takes the average of some number of periods of past data by summing each period and dividing the result by the number of periods. This technique has been found to be very effective for short-range forecasting. Variations of averaging include the moving average, the weighted average, and the weighted moving average. A moving average takes a predetermined number of periods, sums their actual demand, and divides by the number of periods to reach a forecast. For each subsequent period, the oldest period of data drops off and the latest period is added.Assuming a three-month moving average and using the data from Table 1, one would simply add 45 (January), 60 (February), and 72 (March) and divide by three to arrive at a forecast for April: 45 + 60 + 72 = 177 ? 3 = 59 To arrive at a forecast for May, one would drop January's demand from the equation and add the demand from April. Table 2 presents an example of a three-month moving average forecast. Table 2 Three Month Moving Average Forecast Period| Actual Demand (000's)| Forecast (000's)| January| 45| | February| 60| | March| 72| | April| 58| 59| May| 40| 63|June| | 57| A weighted average applies a predetermined weight to each month of past data, sums the past data from each period, and divides by the total of the weights. If the forecaster adjusts the weights so that their sum is equal to 1, then the weights are multiplied by the actual demand of each applicable period. The results are then summed to achieve a weighted forecast. Generally, the more recent the data the higher the weight, and the older the data the smaller the weight. Using the demand example, a weighted average using weights of . 4, . 3, . , and . 1 would yield the forecast for June as:   60(. 1) + 72(. 2) + 58(. 3) + 40(. 4) = 53. 8 Forecasters may also use a combination of the weighted average and moving average forecasts. A weighted moving average forecast assigns weights to a predetermined number of periods of actual data and computes the forecast the same way as described above. As with all moving forecasts, as each new period is added, the data from the oldest period is discarded. Table 3 shows a three-month weighted moving average forecast utilizing the weights . 5, . 3, and . 2. Table 3Three–Month Weighted Moving Average Forecast Period| Actual Demand (000's)| Forecast (000's)| January| 45| | February| 60| | March| 72| | April| 58| 55| May| 40| 63| June| | 61| | | | Exponential Smoothing Exponential smoothing takes the previous period's forecast and adjusts i t by a predetermined smoothing constant, ? (called alpha; the value for alpha is less than one) multiplied by the difference in the previous forecast and the demand that actually occurred during the previously forecasted period (called forecast error). To make a forecast for the next time period, you eed three pieces of information: 1. The current period’s forecast 2. The current period’s actual value 3. The value of a smoothing coefficient, alpha, which varies between 0 and 1. Exponential smoothing is expressed formulaically as such: New forecast = previous forecast + alpha (actual demand ? previous forecast) A forecast for February is computed as such: New forecast (February) = 50 + . 7(45 ? 50) = 41. 5 Next, the forecast for March: New forecast (March) = 41. 5 + . 7(60 ? 41. 5) = 54. 45 This process continues until the forecaster reaches the desired period.In Table 4 this would be for the month of June, since the actual demand for June is not known. Table 4 Period| Actual Demand (000's)| Forecast (000's)| January| 45| 50| February| 60| 41. 5| March| 72| 54. 45| April| 58| 66. 74| May| 40| 60. 62| June| | 46. 19| Forecasting Trend There are many ways to forecast trend patterns in data. Most of the models used for forecasting trend are the same models used to forecast the level patterns, with an additional feature added to compensate for the lagging that would otherwise occur. Trend-Adjusted Exponential SmoothingWhen a trend exists, the forecasting technique must consider the trend as well as the series average ignoring the trend will cause the forecast to always be below (with an increasing trend) or above (with a decreasing trend) actual demand Double exponential smoothing smooths (averages) both the series average and the trend forecast for period t+1: Ft+1  = At  + Tt average: At  =  aDt  + (1 –  a) (At-1  + Tt-1) =  aDt  + (1 –  a) Ft average trend: Tt  =  B  CTt  + (1 –  B) Tt-1 current tr end: CTt  = At  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ At-1 forecast for p periods into the future: Ft+p  = At  + p Tt here: At  = exponentially smoothed average of the series in period t Tt  = exponentially smoothed average of the trend in period t CTt  = current estimate of the trend in period t a  = smoothing parameter between 0 and 1 for smoothing the averages B  = smoothing parameter between 0 and 1 for smoothing the trend Linear Trend Line Linear trend line is a time series technique that computes a forecast with trend by drawing a straight line through a set of data. The forecasting equation for the linear trend model is: Y= a + bX where t is the time index.The parameters alpha and beta (the â€Å"intercept† and â€Å"slope† of the trend line) are usually estimated via a simple regression in which Y is the dependent variable and the time index t is the independent variable. Forecasting Seasonality Recall that any regularly repeating pattern is a seasonal pattern. We are all familiar with quarterly and monthly seasonal patterns. For example, seasonality includes sales of Christmas tree before Christmas, sales of jackets, hotel registrations and sales of greeting cards. The procedure for computing seasonality consists of the following steps: 1. Calculate the average demand per season . Calculate a seasonal index for each season of each year: 3. Average the indexes by season 4. Forecast demand for the next year & divide by the number of seasons 5. Multiply next year’s average seasonal demand by each average seasonal index. Selecting a Forecasting Method The selection of a forecasting method is a difficult task that must be base in part on knowledge concerning the quantity being forecast. With forecasting procedures, we are generally trying to recognize a change in the underlying process of a time series while remaining insensitive to variations caused by purely random effects.The goal of planning is to respond to fundamental changes, not to spurio us effect. Bibliography: Box, G. E. P and G. M. Jenkins and G. D. Reinsel, Time Series Analysis, Forecasting, and Control, Third Edition, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1993. Brockwell, Peter J. and Davis, Richard A. (2002). Introduction to Time Series and Forecasting, 2nd. ed. , Springer-Verlang. Chatfield, C. , The Analysis of Time Series: An Introduction, Fifth Edition, Chapman &Hall, Boca Raton, FL, 1996. Fuller, W. A. , Introduction to Statistical Time Series, Second Edition, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1996. (Electronic Version): StatSoft, Inc. 2012). Electronic Statistics Textbook. Tulsa, OK: StatSoft. WEB: http://www. statsoft. com/textbook/. (Printed Version): Hill, T. & Lewicki, P. (2007). STATISTICS: Methods and Applications. StatSoft, Tulsa, OK. (Electronic Version): A First Course on Time Series Analysis  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ an open source book on time series analysis with  SAS WEB: http://www. statistik-mathematik. uni-wuerzburg. de/wissenschaftforschung/time_series/ ( Electronic Version): Forecasting – levels, examples, manager, definition, model, type, company   WEB:http://www. referenceforbusiness. com/management/Ex-Gov/Forecasting. html#b#ixzz28ty2DePJ

Monday, September 16, 2019

How intelligence help in educational planning? Essay

It helps to identify children who are mentally retarded so that adequate provisions can be made for them such as putting such children in special schools or devoting more time and attention for them by teachers It also helps for homogenous grouping of children for educational effectiveness. A gifted child is identified early and appropriate educational plan is instituted so as to support the child. How Intelligence assessment assist psychologists in consulting schools and parents A psychologist knows intelligence is a component of cognitive development which is largely influenced by sociocultural, ethnic and gender factors in environment of child development (Inhelder &Piaget,1973). A psychologist is then able to assess the cognitive needs of the child and offer appropriate counseling to teachers and schools. He counsels teachers on appropriate instruction that is suitable and interesting in content to the level of intellectual development of such a child. The role of psychologist includes educational guidance for parents such as some children which may need extramural classes or more out-of-class hours to learn better (Flynn, 2007). He is able to characterize the child intelligence and appropriate environmental modification. Since genetics and environment influence intelligence, he counsels divorced parents to reconcile and come together so as to help the intellectual environment the child grows. He counsels on likely intellectual ache vent potential of child and resources and materials needed. He also counsels on vocational choice based on the aptitude and whether the child is trainable or not. In conclusion, a psychologist role in consultation with teachers and schools based on intelligence measurement and assessment are to give a diagnosis for treatment settings; to assist in the selecting the type of treatment needed or outcome of treatment; to assess a particular area of functioning or disability often for school settings; to give assistance to courts so as to decide issues like child detention or even competency of a child to stand trial; It also assist in provision of career developing counseling as well as training.It also helps to make assessment of workers and job applicants. References Flynn, R. (2007) what is Intelligence? Beyond the Flynn effect Retrieved on August 23, 2010 from http://books. google. com/books? id=qvBipuypYUkC&printsec=frontcover&dq=intelligence&hl=en&ei=6SNyTM6gDImZOI-9wbAL&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=3&ved=0CDEQ6AEwAg#v=onepage&q=intelligence&f=false Inhelder, B. & Piaget, J. (1973). Memory and Human Intelligence. London: Routledge.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Johnson Johnson Case

The corporate strategy that Johnson& Johnson pursue is to encourage autonomy in each division and cultivate entrepreneurial culture throughout the organization. It has heavily relied on acquisitions to grow over the years to expand the company into a board range of businesses in the healthcare industry. As Johnson& Johnson has grew into a complex enterprise, granted near-total autonomy has fostered each division to develop and expand its best-seller products and to be responsible for their promised achievement. This independence attributes most to the company’s success.It also provides the firm with the ability to respond quickly to emerging opportunities. Each division has the freedom to develop its own strategy, and to work with its own resources. However, this decentralization brings up the company’s overhead costs. Merger and acquisition has also brought up quality control problems that some of its products have been recalled. Johnson &Johnson has evolved to have to p-notch products and strong skills in all three basic divisions: drugs, devices, and diagnostics, that few companies can compete for.To increase collaboration between these divisions will attract new business opportunities, and the firm will benefit from his convergence by allowing different units work together. Weldon has pushed all of its units to work together to deal with different health problems and to work on new opportunities. As a leader, Weldon understands the importance of entrepreneurial spirit in the company. So he takes steps and cautions to foster collaboration among disparate operations.He set up groups that draw people from different division to work together on specific health problems, and each of the groups will be reported every six months on potential strategies and projects. He is also pushing for more internal growth that to accelerate top-and bottom-line growth. Weldon encourage employees to share database across the various business units to further improve innovation. To create a sustainable competitive advantage, Johnson &Johnson has to have valuable resources.By acquiring different segment of healthcare industry, they have the ability to develop new products that requires different segments of healthcare industry. Encouraging synergy will improve its efficiency and effectiveness in solving difficult health problem and neutralize threats, because few companies have such large resources as Johnson& Johnson does. Since few firms could actually be able to attain the idea of synergy, the resource that Johnson &Johnson has is rare. Besides that, Johnson & Johnson has to make sure their resource is difficult to imitate and difficult to substitute.Apparently, for competitors who own as large resources as Johnson& Johnson does will be able to perform same synergy; however, if Johnson& Johnson come up with some unique idea and products on curing one of the difficult health problems and get patent on it, it will be then difficult for competit ors to imitate. In order to be hard to substitute, Johnson &Johnson has to make sure their products have distinctive effectiveness that it would be hard to achieve without their products.From balance sheet, Johnson& Johnson’s liquidity, as measured by current assets compared to current liabilities, increased over the year. We might be tempted to conclude that its balance sheet has grown â€Å"stronger† currently. But its net income per sale has dropped dramatically. This might be caused by a string of product recalls and consumers are lost confidence in their products after recalls. Quality issues have risen since converging of two divisions, which directly affect Johnson& Johnson’s reputation. Investors are starting to question Johnson &Johnson’s management.Its financial picture looks even worsen now. Synergy to fix the manufacturing problems that had caused the recalls are taking longer than expected, and some brands might not return to shelves until 20 13. Current situation that Johnson& Johnson though may not put the company in a struggle condition, Consumers are losing faith in its products. Also, recent legal losses for Johnson &Johnson related to its antipsychotic drugs and the announcement to remove out some ingredients that have been proved harmful to personal health have made its overall picture worsen.From its 2nd quarter 2012 conference calls, they mentioned that their current main goal is to restore reliable supply and to regain trust from consumers. Consumers have lost some degree of confidence in Johnson& Johnson because of the recalls. But they have also mentioned in the conference calls that its pharmaceutical team achieved success in new products launching and their Synthes acquisition successfully closed in the 2nd quarter. Although they are still dealing with the negative impact of the